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Search Results for: Cylinder Lenses (127)

What are Cylinder Lenses?

Learn what cylindrical lenses are, how they work, and how they are used in different systems in this guide by Edmund Optics.

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Considerations When Using Cylinder Lenses

Learn about specifications that should be considered when using cylinder lenses, including power axis wedge, plano axis wedge, and axial twist at Edmund Optics.

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Why Choose an Achromatic Cylinder Lens?

Debating whether or not to use a traditional cylinder lens or an achromatic cylinder lens? Discover the benefits of achromatic cylinder lenses at Edmund Optics.

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Sensors and Lenses

Imaging lenses and sensors must be paired together with special attention.

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Types of Machine Vision Lenses

Fixed focal length, zoom, and macro lenses are all variable magnification lenses. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Liquid Lenses Basics

Imaging lens performance can be enhanced with the use of liquid lenses. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Imaging Lenses for UAVs

The lenses used for high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have unique requirements beyond those of standard imaging lenses.

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All About Aspheric Lenses

Learn all about the benefits of aspheres, their unique anatomy, how they're manufactured, and how to choose the right one for your system.

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Ruggedization of Imaging Lenses

Have an application in a demanding environment? Learn about the different types of ruggedization: industrial, ingress protection, and stability at Edmund Optics.

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Understanding Ball Lenses

Have a question about ball lenses? Find more information about these optical components including essential equations and application examples at Edmund Optics.

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Tips for Designing Manufacturable Lenses and Assemblies

Learn more about why manufacturing, assembly, testing and implementation are all equally important for a successful lens design.

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The Benefits of Color-Corrected Optical Lenses

Color-corrected optical lenses are ideal for many applications because they reduce multiple aberrations. Learn more about the advantages at Edmund Optics.

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Using Tube Lenses with Infinity Corrected Objectives

Want to use an infinity corrected objective to make an image? You will need a tube lens to do it! Find out why and how it works at Edmund Optics.

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Aspherized Achromatic Lenses

Want an inside look at Aspherized Achromatic Lenses? Learn about the advantages, composition, and aspherized process at Edmund Optics.

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Advantages of Fresnel Lenses

Fresnel lenses come in different sizes and can be used in a variety of applications. Read more about the theory, manufacturing, and application use at Edmund Optics.

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Precision Tolerances for Spherical Lenses

Optical lenses require very precise tolerances. Learn more about tolerances for spherical lenses at Edmund Optics.

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ISO Drawings for Aspheric Lenses

Aspheric lens drawings following the ISO 10110 standard are critical tools for communicating manufacturing and testing requirements for the lenses.

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Anamorphic Prism Pairs

Anamorphic prism pairs circularize elliptical laser beams, which results in smaller focused spot sizes.

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Advantages of Using Meniscus Lenses in Infrared Applications

Meniscus lenses offer superior performance compared to plano convex lenses in IR applications. Find out the benefits of using a meniscus lens at Edmund Optics.

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Magnifying Lenses: How to Choose a Magnifier

Learn everything you need to know about magnifying lenses & how to select the right magnifier for your application with help from the experts at Edmund Optics.

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Using C-Mount Focus Tunable Lenses

Looking for a fast-focusing lens for a machine vision application? Find out more about how to use a C-Mount Focus-Tunable Lens at Edmund Optics.

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Not All Imaging Lenses Are Created Equal - Lab Example

This lab shows how two machine vision lenses with the same core specifications can perform very differently in reality.

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Laser Beam Shaping Overview

Learn how to navigate the many available options for shaping the irradiance profile and phase of laser beams to maximize your laser system's performance.

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Lens Geometry Performance Comparison

This comparison of the performance of aspheric, achromatic, and spherical PCX lenses in different situations reveals the ideal use cases for each type of lens.

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Understanding Optical Lens Geometries

Optical lens geometries control light in different ways. Learn about Snell's Law of Refraction, lens terminology and geometries at Edmund Optics.

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Beam Quality and Strehl Ratio

There are several metrics used to describe the quality of a laser beam including the M2 factor, the beam parameter product, and power in the bucket

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Light Sheet Microscopy

Light sheet fluorescence microscopy uses a 2D laser sheet to illuminate a thin slice of the sample and excite fluorescence, reducing phototoxicity and damage.

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Optics Application Examples

Looking for application examples? Find examples for Detector Systems, Selecting the Right Lens, and Building a Projection System at Edmund Optics.

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Understanding Optical Specifications

Do you want to know more about the importance of optical specifications? Learn the different types of specifications and their impact on your system at Edmund Optics.

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An In-Depth Look at Axicons

Axicons can be used in a variety of different fields. Find out more about axicons and how to use them in applications at Edmund Optics.

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